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European day and week of action

For the recognition of ECOCIDE
MARCH 20th-25th 2022

Collaborative, cross-sector awareness raising 

Join the mobilisation for the recognition of ecocide

Visit the mobilisation toolkit  and join the Telegram channel.

Why do we need to mobilise for the recognition of ecocide ?


Mass deforestation, oil spills, soil and water pollution, deep-sea mining, radioactive contamination... We all have these images of destruction in our heads.

These ecocides, committed repeatedly over decades, have created the climate and ecological emergency we are facing today.

Yet in the 21st century, this destruction is still legally permitted!

Those responsible for ecocide only face civil penalties (fines) and continue business as usual.

However, if ecocide was recognised as a crime in our legal systems (international, european and national law), it would be an additional tool to prevent further destruction of nature, and deter and punish the decision makers.


It is time to change the national, European and international rules and protect our common home, the Earth! We cannot rely on non-binding agreements by governments and companies, such those at the COP. 



Why now?


Last December, the European Commission published a proposal for the revision of the Environmental Crime Directive. This proposal is a good step towards protecting the environment through criminal law, but it still does not recognise, define and therefore condemn the most serious environmental crimes: ecocide.


This is why we call on the European Union to recognize ecocide in EU law in order to remove impunity and to deter, prevent and enable prosecution of the most serious crimes against nature that are still not recognized. 

This mobilisation is centered around the European Union to highlight this missing legal and moral guardrail to protect the Earth.


Join us!

Together, we want to show that the recognition of ecocide is an increasingly obvious and necessary demand across all sectors of society. Join the mobilisation and let's put pressure on EU and world leaders to recognize ecocide as a crime in our legal systems!

EUROPEAN DAY OF ACTION – Sunday 20th of March

 BELGIUM – March in Brussels: 12H30, start in Place du Luxembourg. More info:

NETHERLANDS – In-person event in Amsterdam ‘Stop Ecocide One on One’, 13H30 – 17H, in Poesie & Kater (Polderweg 648)

 FRANCE – Conference in Paris, 15H in La Base (31 rue Bichat). Bring your placards and banners for a group photo on Place de la République afterwards.

SPAIN – Sit-in in Madrid, 18H, in front of the Representation of the European Commission (Plaza de la Castellana, 46). Bring your placards and banners:

SPAIN – In BARCELONA: Sit-in 18H, in front of the Representation of the European Commission (Passeig de Gràcia nº90). Organised by Stop Ecocidio España. Bring your placards and banners.

Germany – in BREMEN: Vigil with info stall, 11H – 16H on Marktplatz vor der Bürgerschaft. Organised by Stop Ecocide Deutschland.



Iceland - in REYKJAVIK: Conference 12H – 13H30 in the museum Kjarvalsstaðir. Organised by the Þingflokkur Pírata (Pirate Party) featuring a parliamentarian, a natural scientist, an international jurist and a leader of an environmental NGO.


 Germany – in BERLIN: Demonstration 11H, Robert-Koch-Platz, as part of the global climate strike of Fridays for Future ‘Globaler Klimastreik in Berlin – Stop Ecocide Deutschland geht auf die Straße!’ Bring your placards and banners.

 Italy – in ROME: Sit-in 15H, by Piazza Venezia (Church of San Marco), followed by an event hosted by Volt Europa on the 65th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. Organised by Stop Ecocidio Italia. Bring your placards and banners!


Turkey – in ISTANBUL, Gathering and Forest Day activities, 14H in Kadıköy Meydanı. Organised by Climate Justice Coalition Turkiye.


Five ways to get involved:

1. Support the mobilisation by hosting public events (online or in the streets). Visit our mobilisation toolkit:

2 . Join us on Telegram :


3 . Share the Facebook event


4 . Post about the mobilisation on social media. Graphics can be found here.
For text in other languages, please visit the  mobilization kit .


Suggested social media post:


On 20th March 2022, let’s join forces to ask the European Union to #StopEcocideEverywhere. For climate, nature and humanity, we must put an end to these crimes that destroy the planet. Join the mobilisation in Brussels and everywhere in Europe! 


5 . Join the online ecocide awareness campaign :


Take a picture with a sign #StopEcocideEverywhere and share your story about the protection of your forest, river and community – or an ecosystem you know is under threat from ecocide… and invite people to join the mobilisation!

An Event organized by:

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Program in Brussels


We invite you tobe careful how you use the word "ecocide”.

Ecocide only meansthe most serious damage to the environment.To use it to describe any type of environmental damage would blur the message of this campaign: we call on the European Union to recognize ecocide in European law in order to prosecute the most serious crimes which are still not recognized . If you want to talk about other types of damage (small scale pollution, illegal logging…), please refer to them as “environmental crimes”.

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