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Press articles
Belgium and the criminalization of ecocide
Écocide: comment en parler avec les jeunes?
Quelles lois protègent notre planète?
Ecocide, changer ou disparaître - L’interdépendance expliquée aux jeunes
Environnement / L’éducation comme moteur du changement
Écocide: comment en parler avec les jeunes? Pour aller plus loin
Écocide: comment en parler avec les jeunes?
Quelles lois protègent notre planète?
Ecocide, changer ou disparaître - L’interdépendance expliquée aux jeunes
Environnement / L’éducation comme moteur du changement
Écocide: comment en parler avec les jeunes? Pour aller plus loin
"L'écocide dans le Code pénal, c'est bien plus qu'un toilettage de texte"
"L'écocide dans le Code pénal, c'est bien plus qu'un toilettage de texte"
Le crime d'écocide intégré dans le code pénal belge
Le crime d'écocide intégré dans le code pénal belge
L’écocide et l’incitation au suicide devraient faire leur entrée dans le Code pénal belge
L’écocide et l’incitation au suicide devraient faire leur entrée dans le Code pénal belge
Milieu drastisch schaden voortaan bestraft als ‘ecocide’
Milieu drastisch schaden voortaan bestraft als ‘ecocide’
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Ons land wil achter de grootschalige vernietigers van het milieu aangaan. De rest van de wereld kijkt met argusogen toe.
L’écocide : une réglementation européenne
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The commission for the reform of the penal code in favor of the introduction of the crime of ecocide
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Towards the insertion of a crime of ecocide
as a crime under international law
in the new Penal Code
as a crime under international law
in the new Penal Code
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In a European Day of Action, the march will take place on Sunday, 20 March, in Brussels. It is organized by local organizations (End Ecocide Belgium, Rise for Climate Belgium and Youth for Climate Belgium). Several other actions are organized in Paris, Amsterdam, Madrid and other European cities. The action day will be followed by a week of other activities.
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In addition to putting pressure on the European Union, associations such as End Ecocide Belgium and Stop Ecocide International, want to include ecocide in the list of crimes against humanity recognized by the International Criminal Court in The Hague. They consider that the current repressive measures, essentially financial, do not make it possible to fight effectively against environmental crimes.
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Reflections around the question of the insertion of a crime of ecocide in Belgian criminal law. These thoughts were presented and discussed at the conference co-organized by the League for Human Rights and the Young Bar Conference on December 10th.
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In December 2021, the Belgian Parliament adopted a resolution aimed at enshrining serious damage to nature in Belgian law. But also in the treaty of the International Criminal Court, next to the genocide.
For the first time, a Western country, Belgium, will file an amendment before the International Criminal Court to recognize the crime of ecocide alongside the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression. . More and more countries are in favor of it, but none had yet gone so far. At European level, a battle is also under way for the directive on environmental crime to include this crime.
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Können strengere Gesetze die Welt retten? Eine global Bewegung von Klimaschützerinnen und Klimaschützern meint: ja. Sie fordert, die vom Menschen began gene Zerstörung an Umwelt und Natur in den Kanon des Völkerstrafrechts aufzunehmen – und damit auf eine Ebene mit Genozid und Kriegsverbrechen zu stellen. An vorderster Front im Kampf um die Einstufung des Ökozids als Verbrechen steht Belgien. A report.
Kamer keurt resolved over ecocide goed: "Dit kan een fundamentele verandering teweegbrengen"
The Chamber calls for the crime of ecocide to be recognized in international criminal law
Belgian parliament calls for "ecocide" to be introduced in international law
The Belgian parliament has passed a resolution urging the government to advocate for the recognition and punishment of "ecocides" in international courts, following the model of prosecuting crimes against humanity.
Is it useful to include ecocide in the Penal Code? (11/14/21)
Françoise Tulkens (UCLouvain): "Ecocide has its place in criminal law"
The Chamber calls for the crime of ecocide to be recognized in international criminal law, a first in Europe
The House Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday passed an Ecolo-Groen motion for a resolution seeking to recognize the crime of ecocide under international criminal law.
The Chamber calls for the crime of ecocide to be recognized in international criminal law, a first in Europe
The House Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday passed an Ecolo-Groen motion for a resolution seeking to recognize the crime of ecocide under international criminal law.
It is urgent to criminalize ecocide!
As COP26 draws to a close, the Foreign Relations Committee of the Belgian Federal Parliament has just voted a motion for a resolution in favor of the criminalization of ecocide at national and international level. This is a first victory and an important mandate for the federal government.
The criminalization of ecocide around the world
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Können strengere Gesetze die Welt retten? Eine global Bewegung von Klimaschützerinnen und Klimaschützern meint: ja. Sie fordert, die vom Menschen began gene Zerstörung an Umwelt und Natur in den Kanon des Völkerstrafrechts aufzunehmen – und damit auf eine Ebene mit Genozid und Kriegsverbrechen zu stellen. An vorderster Front im Kampf um die Einstufung des Ökozids als Verbrechen steht Belgien. A report.
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The British lawyer and author has held Nazis and presidents accountable for crossing the moral red line. Now, he argues, the time has come to pursue those who commit crimes against the environment.
Making ecocide an international crime is long overdue (November 18 2021)
Substantive international laws were formed in the wake of two world wars, but nothing similar has been born out of the continuing ecocidal war against the planet. Yet laws and legal action are the most effective way to detect wrongdoing and spark behavioral change.
COP26 Glasgow: International legislation against ecocide not in pact but could be on horizon (16 November 2021)
The UN climate change conference can be assessed as a success or a failure depending on if the glass is seen as half full or half empty. When it comes to legislation against ecocide, progress was largely under the radar.
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Hosting COP26 requires Scotland and the UK to show global leadership, and it would be fitting to recognize in law the now authoritatively defined crime of ecocide.
COP26: Citizens call for international laws to punish crime of 'ecocide' (3rd November 2021)
The crime of ecocide should be enshrined in national and international laws and strictly enforced, according to a declaration handed over to world leaders at the COP26 climate summit.
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